AI-Powered Auto-Captions Privacy Policy

This page informs visitors about our policies on collecting, using, and disclosing Personal Information for users of our AI-Powered Auto-Captions service.

By using our service, you agree to the collection and use of information as outlined in this policy. We only use personal information to improve the service and do not share it with third parties.

Purposes of Data Processing

We collect user data to facilitate the provision of our service, fulfill legal obligations, respond to enforcement requests, protect rights and interests, detect malicious activity, and for the following purposes: conducting content performance testing (A/B testing), analytics, managing contacts and messaging, hosting infrastructure maintenance, payment processing, and providing platform services.

Data Collection

When utilizing our services, including video uploads, we gather information from users and monitor app interactions. While users can upload videos containing facial data, we want to clarify that we do not store any facial data.

Our analysis involves studying user videos without retaining facial data. After completion, all data is promptly deleted. We assure users that facial data and videos will never be shared with third parties. Once the analysis concludes, all provided face information and uploaded videos are securely deleted.

Types of Collected Data

We may process information related to device and user behavior for the purpose of improving our App and enhancing user experience. This data is generally non-personal and is used in aggregated form.

Device Details

When accessing our App on mobile devices, we receive information such as device type, operating system, version, model, screen size, and battery usage. Device identifiers enable generalized reporting or personalized content and ads by third parties.

Internet Connection Information:

Details include mobile carrier, network provider, IP address, session timestamp, speed, and browser. Location-related data, like country code and time zone, is also collected.

Other Device Identifiers:

User identifiers set up by the App's developer may be processed.

Application Information:

The App may report details about applications, including name, API key, version, and properties for analysis. Some services may record installed or run applications.

Cookies and Similar Technologies:

Cookies, pixels, web beacons, and scripts may be used to operate the App effectively, analyze user behavior, optimize marketing, and deliver relevant content. Third parties may also use these technologies.

Log File Information:

The App automatically reports log file information, including usage time and date.

Ad-related Information:

Data about viewed ads, clicks, conversion events, ad details, placement, and user responses may be collected.

In-App Events:

Analytics tools may record in-App events, such as tutorial steps, payments, and progression events.

Please note that information provided to advertising or analytics tools is beyond our control, and we are not responsible for such processing. Third-party processing of personal data collected independently is not guaranteed or controlled by us. Requests for personal information disclosure should be directed to the respective third parties.


This section covers services enabling the Owner to monitor and analyze web traffic and User behavior.

Handling Payments

Personal Data related to payments is processed externally through payment service providers. Apphud acts as a facilitator, receiving notifications of successful payments. Collection and processing of payment information are handled solely by external providers.

Hosting and Backend Infrastructure

Services like Firebase Cloud Functions host data and files, enabling the Application to run. Difficult to determine the actual location of stored Personal Data.

Platform Services and Hosting

These services host and run key components of the Application, providing tools like analytics and user registration. App Store Connect, on Apple's App Store, manages the Application and collects data on user engagement, app discovery, marketing, sales, in-app purchases, and payments.

Note: Users can opt-out via device settings for data collected by App Store Connect.

Processing Methods

To safeguard Data security and integrity, the Owner employs appropriate measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, modification, or destruction. Data processing involves computer and IT-enabled tools, following organizational procedures directly aligned with specified purposes. Individuals like administrators, sales, marketing, legal, and system administrators may have access, along with external parties acting as Data Processors, if needed. An updated list of these parties is available upon request.

Place of Processing

Data is primarily processed at the Owner's offices but may also occur in locations where involved parties are situated. Data transfers to countries outside the User's location may happen, and Users can refer to relevant sections for details on processing Personal Data. Users have the right to learn about the legal basis and security measures for such transfers. Further information can be obtained by referencing this document or contacting the Owner using provided contact details.

Data Retention Policy

Personal Data will be processed and stored for the duration necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected. For contractual purposes, data will be retained until the contract is fully executed. Data collected for the Owner's legitimate interests will be stored as long as needed for those purposes.

If the User has provided consent for processing, the Owner may retain Personal Data for a longer period, as long as the consent is valid. Legal obligations or orders from authorities may also require extended retention.

Upon the expiration of the retention period, Personal Data will be deleted. After this period, rights such as access, erasure, rectification, and data portability will no longer be enforceable. Users can obtain specific information about retention periods by referring to relevant sections in this document or contacting the Owner directly.

Updates to Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy may undergo periodic updates. Notifications of changes will be provided by posting the updated Privacy Policy on this page. To stay informed about modifications, it is recommended to regularly review this Privacy Policy. Changes become effective upon posting.

Contact Information

If you have questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, feel free to contact us via email at: Contact Page. We are here to assist with any inquiries you may have.